The UNMC Talent Treasure Trove

The UNMC Alumni Association, along with the UNMC Campus Wellness Program, led by Steve Wengel, MD '86, '90, created this mini-series

These short videos are meant to provide viewers with a daily dose of positivity, perhaps laughter, helpful insight for life or just a pleasant time-out from the daily norm, all while showcasing the talents of our faculty, staff, students, fellow colleagues, and alumni. 

We are seeking individuals to share their talents in future UNMC T3 segments. We invite you to participate! Fill out this form to be contacted by a member of the Alumni Relations Office.

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First & Last Name & Credentials: *
Email address: *
Graduation year(s) or anticipated year if you are a student: *
College/program (select all that apply): *
What special skill or talent would you be willing to share?
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